
Crossroads Martial Fitness Academy Ingersoll, Ontario
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
at Oxford Square, 184 Oxford Street, Ingersoll.
For more information e-mail: crossroadsmfa@gmail.com
Karate for Christ Kitchener, Ontario
Kenpo Karate and Modern Arnis
Mondays and Thursdays
Calvary Church
9 Conway Drive, Kitchener
For more information e-mail: kcelka5@gmail.com
Karate for Christ Bradford, Ontario
Shotokan Karate
Thursday Nights​
Sovereign Grace Church,
1466 - 5th Sideroad, Bradford.
For more information e-mail:​
To Register: https://sovgrace.churchcenter.com/people/forms/781555

Karate for Christ Brantford, Ontario
Wado-Kai Karate
Tuesday Nights
Central Baptist Church
300 Fairview Drive, Brantford
For more information e-mail: shanem92810@gmail.com
Karate for Christ Goderich, Ontario
Kenpo Karate and Modern Arnis
Friday Nights
Bethel Pentecostal Church
321 Bayfield Road
Goderich, Ontario
For more information e-mail: